Lead Member for Transport and Environment


DECISIONS made by the Lead Member for Transport and Environment, Councillor Claire Dowling, on 11 April 2022 at Committee Room, County Hall, Lewes



Councillors Ian Hollidge, Wendy Maples, Daniel Shing and Stephen Shing spoke on item 4 (see minute 65)



61.         Decisions made by the Lead Cabinet Member on 14 March 2022


61.1     The Lead Member approved as a correct record the minute of the meeting held on 14 March 2022.




62.         Disclosure of Interests


62.1     Councillor Daniel Shing declared a personal interest in item 4 as a resident living in close proximity to Polegate High Street. He did not consider this to be prejudicial.


62.2     Councillor Stephen Shing declared a personal interest in item 4 as a resident living in close proximity to Polegate High Street. He did not consider this to be prejudicial.


62.3     Councillor Ian Hollidge declared a personal interest in item 4 having a relative living in close proximity to Polegate High Street and that he had previously had professional relations with businesses on Polegate High Street. He did not consider this to be prejudicial.




63.         Urgent items


63.1     There were none.




64.         Reports


64.1     Reports referred to in the minutes below are contained in the minute book.




65.         Polegate High Street Movement and Access Improvements and 20mph scheme


65.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




65.2The Lead Member RESOLVED to:

(1) Note the results of the public consultation on the movement and access improvements along Polegate High Street, including the introduction of a 20mph speed limit, bus stop and footway improvements; and


(2) Agree that the scheme is taken forward to detailed design and construction as part of the 2022/23 Capital Programme for Local Transport Improvements, subject to any delivery risks and delays arising from the current COVID-19 pandemic.




65.3     Despite the low response rate, the results of the public consultation show that there is overall support for the implementation of the Polegate High Street Movement and Access improvements and 20mph speed limit scheme.


65.4     The footway improvements will benefit pedestrians, particularly those with visual impairments, and the lower speed limit of 20mph will result in a safer environment for pedestrians, particularly when crossing side roads, cyclists and general traffic, reflecting the recent changes in hierarchy and priority in the Highway Code. Improvements to cycling provision at the northern end of the High Street will help encourage greater use of cycling and connectivity onto existing routes in the town, whilst the interactive signage at the two bus stops will meet some of the mobility hub requirements detailed in our Bus Service Improvement Plan, and aid members of the public in their choice of travel.


65.5     The proposals will assist the County Council in meeting the objectives set out to achieve carbon neutrality from its activities as soon as possible and in any event by 2050.

